My name is Chris, Senior Account Manager for the United Kingdom. My role includes various responsibilities from providing training to clients, attending trade shows, to working on large scale commercial projects.
Chris | Senior Account Manager

The story of Chris
I started at Van der Valk Solar Systems in the United Kingdom back in 2017 as a Account Manager, working within a small office in the warehouse in a team of 3. The progress we have made since has been incredible. We now have a firm position within the market, our team has quadrupled and recently we moved into a brand new office.
The reason for our rapid growth is down to the Valk philosophy of team work, helping one another and most importantly making work fun! What I enjoy about working for Valk Solar Systems is we treat all customers the same, it doesn’t matter if it’s a 10kwp or 8mwp project, we make sure we provide expert advice from design stages right up to delivery.
The most satisfaction I get from my role is seeing a project installation completed, I take pride knowing that we helped the customer achieve their goal. As we are an international company I can rely on my colleagues from all over Europe to help me if I need it. We truly are a family and I have made so many friends through the years, the highlight for me is visiting NL head office a few times a year to see everyone and have some great parties together!
The future is bright for Van der Valk Solar Systems, we are working together to contribute to the ultimate goal of making the earth carbon neutral, it gives me great satisfaction knowing that I am part of this process and we will face this challenge head on.
The UK office